Reading The World Around You

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Analyzing a menu, reviewing a map, learning a new skill, research and interpreting signs are some tasks that require one to have the ability to read. Also, to follow a schedule, quickly communicate with a loved one via text, to review an important email update to your boss, to fill out forms and contracts one must be able to read as well. The ability to read allows you to keep up to date with important information and allows for you to learn and acquire new skills with ease.

The Importance of Reading

One major advantage of reading is its convenience. It allows you to go over and review information at a convenient time. Typically, with verbal communication it requires the immediate availability of the recipient of the message. Also, it can pose the challenge of the individual not retaining all the necessary information. For instance, imagine if your client was applying for a job and was unable to read the job description, review their resume and tailor it to the job or email the hiring team, it would be quite difficult for your client to be able to obtain and secure that job.

How does the ability to read promote independent living?

Why is it important to teach my learners how to read? Reading is an essential skill that promotes independent living. In many careers written communication is used to deliver information to employees and employers. Which makes reading a necessary skill for filling out job applications, important paperwork, sending emails, communicating via text and various common tasks that require written documentation (recording stock, tracking sales, etc). Also, it increases social opportintinutes, it allows your client to communicate and make plans with their friends via text, keep a written schedule in their planner, email their teacher to ask for clarification on their assignments, etc.  Additionally, now with the internet you can Google how to do a variety of tasks yourself and find written step by step guides on how to do something yourself.

How can I work on reading comprehension with my learner?

It is important to work on reading with your learner so they can acquire  this skill that provides them with so many useful opportunities in their repertoire. For your convenience we have included tools with letters, numbers and words for you to practice with your learners that are learning how to read. You may also want to consider working on reading signs. Keep in mind that sometimes you may want to use reinforcing words your learner is familiar with when starting to teach them how to read. Also, you may want to consider the size, font and capitalization of the words when teaching reading skills. When setting goals for your learner, always make sure to individualize to his or her needs.

When Working On Reading Don’t Forget To…

  • Gain the learners attention before providing sd
  • Interperses target
  • Utilize behavior momentum
  • Fade prompts when appropriate
    Intersperse discriminative stimulus (Sd or SD).
  • Reinforce the learner’s correct responses immediately.
  • Prompt appropriately based on the learners needs.
  • When appropriate, utilize errorless teaching.
  • If running discrete trials keep a good pace between each trial (avoid long pauses, but do allow breaks as a reward)*

*Every learner is different so assess what is best for each client individually and make a data based decision.*


Having the ability to read gives your learner access to more opportunities and greater independence.  To keep track of all your reading targets and your clients performance you can input these goals into Catalyst. With Catalyst, you can collect all your data on your personal device and then the system will automatically graph your data. Additionally, you can indicate and score the specific prompt you utilized when running each trial.  To sign up for a Catalyst trial click here



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