Applied Behavior Analysis
Key Features
Automated Skill Acquisition Tracking
Want to save time by automating when skills should be promoted to the next learning phase? Just define a client’s specific criteria needed for promotion or demotion and Catalyst can automatically adjust to the appropriate phase needed for treatment (i.e. Baseline, Treatment, Maintenance, Generalization).
Define the criteria for these phases and Catalyst can automatically master out targets, open the next target ready for treatment, and move the mastered targets into different phases of maintenance to run at the times you specify. Also, with customized baseline criteria and Catalyst can automatically open failed baseline probes to be targeted for intervention.
Advanced Graphing Engine
Catalyst’s graphing engine is uniquely powerful and flexible. Customize your graphs in real time with up to twenty options. See your changes reflected immediately and perform analysis with condition lines, comparisons, trend lines, averages, splitting data by therapists and more.
Any of your customized graphs can be printed, saved, and shared with one click. Users can import their Catalyst graphs directly into Word documents for reports and sharing.

Progress Report Generation
Reduce the time you spend creating insurance reports, home notes, and graph consolidation with our progress report generator. Simply select the custom time periods and click generate!
Use the extensive built-in templates or let us build a custom template to your exact specifications, including your own company branding and layout.
Skill Acquisition Data
Easily collect the following:
- Discrete trial teaching (DTT) targets. Organize automated sessions. Record single, distributed trials. Differentiate between up to eight different types of custom prompts
- Duration targets, such as how long a student can participate in a group
- Task analysis targets with customizable steps offering total, forward, and backward chaining options
- Frequency and rate data, such as how many times a student mands per hour
- "Cold Probe" data
- Echoic data with audio recording
- Toileting data, such as sit duration, type of void, and initiation
- Create behavioral momentum by automatically generating previously mastered targets within your sessions
- Customizable prompt fading schedules
Behavior Reduction Data
Graphs in the portal are almost infinitely customizable to your requirements, providing amazing precision and analysis in real time. The behavior screen is just one click away, no matter what you are doing in the system.
- Event recording information such as antecedents, consequences, locations, severity, times of day, etc.
- Continuous measurement options such as frequency, duration and rate
- Discontinuous measurement options such as momentary time sampling and partial interval recording available with customizable interval schedules

WebABA Integration
For ABA practices, Catalyst and WebABA are a well-integrated software suite designed to reduce administrative burdens from client sessions through to the close of the billing cycle.
Learn more about our WebABA practice management software or request a live demo to see how our ABA suite can streamline your practice!