

Information Blocking

CMS published enforcement rules to prevent information blocking, but it’s largely unable to enforce its policies.

Mental Health with Substance Use Recovery

Making Measurement-Based Care Easier for Behavioral Health Staff

Implementing MBC can be challenging for clinicians, as it requires meticulous data collection, analysis, and reporting. The integration of the right EHR can significantly alleviate the burden on clinicians and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of MBC.

PT, OT & Speech Therapy

The Dos and Don’ts of Shared Patient Cases

Shared patient cases, where therapists from different disciplines collaborate on the care of a patient, have become increasingly important in delivering holistic, patient-centered care. So, let’s talk about shared patient cases, and how to leverage the right tools to collaborate effectively to drive optimal outcomes.

PT, OT & Speech Therapy

PTs, OTs, and SLTs: Stop Making These Billing Mistakes

Medical billing and coding are complex, and the rules are always changing, which can lead to mistakes that can ultimately impact your practice’s revenue because of delayed reimbursements, financial losses, and even legal consequences.


