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How to Write Good ABA Session Notes: Examples and Tips

Reading Time: 7 Minutes
aba session notes examples, rbt session notes examples, aba soap notes examples

The quality of ABA session notes is crucial for both client progress and provider reimbursement. Effective session notes can be used to identify patterns, track improvement, and adapt interventions. Additionally, session notes are often required by insurance payor contracts, directly impacting revenue. However, writing comprehensive notes can be tedious and time-consuming, especially when it’s added to an already long list of tasks. In this article, you’ll find examples and tips for writing good ABA session notes, even if you have limited time. We’ll also discuss the SOAP format of notetaking and provide ABA SOAP note examples to make the process easier.

Understanding ABA Session Notes

ABA session notes are a critical component in assessing a client’s progress in therapy. These notes should document each session, including client observations, behavior targets, assessments, skill acquisition and data collection, and intervention strategies. When writing ABA session notes, it is important to include the patient’s full name, date of birth, and the date of service. The start and end time of the session, as well as the location where the service took place, should also be noted.

The content of ABA session notes may vary, but they typically include objective and measurable information about the client’s behavior and progress. Using precise and specific language, describe the behaviors observed during the session, any changes or improvements noted, and the strategies or interventions implemented. Also, to ensure accuracy and transparency, it is recommended to write session notes immediately after the session, while the details are still fresh in mind. These notes help facilitate communication among clinicians and can serve as proof for insurance claims.

ABA Session Note Examples

Below are some examples of different components of ABA session notes:

Objective Descriptions

Example 1

Incorrect: The client was agitated.

Correct: The client displayed repetitive movements, including flapping his arms, pacing and vocalizing.

Example 2

Incorrect: The client was happy.

Correct: The client smiled, maintained eye contact, and responded positively to the therapist’s prompts.

Observations and Behavior Targets

Example 1

Observation: The client displayed non-compliant behavior, including refusal to follow the therapist’s instructions.

Behavior Target: Increase the client’s compliance rate to therapy instruction by 50% by the next session.

Example 2

Observation: The client demonstrated aggressive behavior, including grabbing objects from the therapist’s hand.

Behavior Target: Teach the client appropriate replacement behavior by modeling gentle and appropriate hand gestures.

Intervention Strategies

Example 1

Intervention Strategy: Use a token board to reinforce the client’s appropriate behavior in a group setting.

Outcome: The client completed the task efficiently, and his positive performance was reinforced with tokens.

Example 2

Intervention Strategy: Implement a picture exchange communication system (PECS) to help the client request items appropriately.

Outcome: The client made remarkable progress and started using the PECS system to request his preferred items independently.

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RBT Session Note Examples

Since RBT’s also work directly with clients, they should also have a good understanding of how to write detailed, comprehensive notes. During RBT training, ensure to be critical of RBT notetaking where necessary, as that information helps you both make informed decisions on client treatment. Here are two examples of RBT session notes:

Example 1

Notes: The client was calm upon arrival and followed the therapist’s instruction to place his items in his group area. However, when prompted to transition to his next task, the client displayed non-compliant behavior and refused to engage with the therapist.

Recommendations: Review the task and environmental science to determine the reason for the client’s non-compliance.

Example 2

Notes: The client demonstrated a high level of independence in using the PECS system to request items. She accurately identified each item requested on the first attempt.

Recommendations: Incorporate more advanced language and categorization into the PECS system to challenge the skill acquisition.

5 Tips for Writing Effective ABA Session Notes

Writing effective ABA session notes takes some practice. Here are some tips to help improve your skills:

Use Measurable Language

ABA session notes should use measurable and observable language to avoid subjectivity in describing behavior. This enables you to identify specific behaviors and outcomes more effectively, making your notes more reliable for decision-making.

Prioritize Data Collection

Data and measurements are essential elements to track the progress of interventions. Ensure that data tracking tools are implemented effectively and consistently to provide accurate information.

Provide Clear Recommendations

ABA session notes should include clear recommendations for the client’s next session. These recommendations should aim to promote progress and include specific goals that will be targeted.

Get Feedback

Collaboration and feedback from colleagues and other professionals in the field can provide valuable perspectives on how to improve session note writing skills.

Incorporating SOAP Note Format

The SOAP note format is commonly used in medical and mental health settings to structure session notes. The SOAP format can also be a useful tool to provide a structured framework when documenting an ABA therapy session. Here’s how to incorporate the SOAP note format into your ABA session notes:

Subjective: The subjective section includes client reports of his or her experience during the session, including any emotional or physical conditions.

Objective: The objective section includes measurable and observable behaviors displayed by the client during the session.

Assessment: The assessment section includes an analysis of the client’s progress, including measures that were taken, and any significant factors that may be influencing their behavior.

Plan: The plan section outlines the goals and specific strategies that will be implemented in the next session.

ABA SOAP Note Examples

Example 1

Subjective: The client reported feeling anxious about starting a new task.

Objective: The client demonstrated hesitant behavior when presented with a new task, including avoiding eye contact and fidgeting.

Assessment: The client may be experiencing anxiety related to task avoidance behavior. Behavioral intervention strategies may be implemented to increase the client’s comfort and confidence in completing the task.

Plan: Implement a desensitization program to gradually increase the client’s exposure to the new task and reinforce appropriate behavior.

Example 2

Subjective: The caretaker reported changes in the client’s sleep pattern.

Objective: The client appeared fatigued during the session, demonstrated slower response time, and yawned frequently.

Assessment: The client’s fatigue may be impacting his ability to engage in therapy. A medical evaluation may be necessary to rule out any underlying medical causes.

Plan: Consult with the client’s physician and adjust therapy schedule as needed to accommodate for changes in the client’s sleep patterns.

Utilizing Technology for Session Notes

In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionized various aspects of healthcare, and ABA therapy is no exception. Incorporating technology into session note documentation can streamline the process, improve efficiency, and enhance data tracking capabilities. Here are some ways to utilize technology for session notes in ABA therapy:

  • Electronic Data Collection: Using electronic devices such as tablets or smartphones, BCBAs and RBTs can record session notes directly into a digital platform or application. These tools often offer customizable templates specifically designed for ABA therapy, making it easier to input and organize data.
  • Data Tracking Apps: There are numerous apps available that facilitate data tracking and analysis. These apps allow for real-time data entry during the session, eliminating the need for manual data entry after each session. They can also generate graphs and reports automatically, providing a visual representation of client progress.
  • Video Recording and Analysis: With the consent of clients and their families, video recording sessions can be a valuable tool for analyzing behavior and assessing progress. Video analysis software provides a platform for annotating and documenting specific behaviors observed during the session, enhancing the accuracy of session notes.
  • Cloud Storage: Storing session notes in the cloud ensures accessibility from any device with an internet connection. This feature allows for easy sharing of information among therapists, supervisors, and other professionals involved in the client’s care. Cloud storage also provides a secure backup system that protects against the loss of important data.

Catalyst’s Electronic Data Collection Software

Catalyst’s data collection software offers a user-friendly platform for BCBAs and RBTs to create clear and concise session notes. With customizable templates, Catalyst ensures accurate documentation of client progress, behavior targets, and intervention strategies. Providers also benefit from cloud storage, real-time data entry, automatic graphing, and video analysis. Schedule a free demo to learn more about WebABA’s capabilities.



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