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Celebrating Autism Awareness Month with ABA Bingo

Reading Time: 7 Minutes

April is Autism Awareness Month, a time when people come together to celebrate the unique strengths and challenges of individuals on the autism spectrum. This annual observance was founded in 1972 with the goal of increasing awareness and sparking change to enhance the lives of those with autism. Today, the goals of Autism Awareness Month continue to be centered around three key pillars: awareness, acceptance, and advocacy.

At Therapy Brands, we recognize the importance of these pillars in supporting and enriching the lives of people on the spectrum. Through our work with providers and families, we have seen the tremendous impact that awareness, acceptance, and advocacy can have on individuals with autism. This is why we have created an ABA Bingo Card that incorporates these pillars as a fun and interactive way to engage in activities that support and celebrate the autism community.

In this blog post, we will explore each of the three pillars of autism awareness, acceptance, and advocacy and how they can be celebrated through the use of the ABA Bingo Card. We hope this post will inspire you to embrace these pillars and celebrate the accomplishments of individuals on the spectrum this Autism Awareness Month.

Autism Awareness

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It is a spectrum disorder, which means that it affects each individual differently, and to varying degrees. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 1 in 36 children in the United States is diagnosed with autism.

Awareness is a crucial first step in understanding and recognizing autism. By raising awareness, we can increase understanding of the characteristics of autism and help individuals with autism feel more accepted and supported in their communities. Autism awareness also aims to dispel myths and misconceptions about the disorder, promote early diagnosis and intervention, and advocate for the rights and needs of people with autism. This can lead to improved outcomes and a better quality of life for individuals on the spectrum and their families.

Some ways to promote autism awareness:

  • Educating yourself and others: Learn about autism and share your knowledge with friends, family, and colleagues. This can help to create a more informed and accepting society. Numerous resources, including websites, blogs, and videos, are available to help you better understand autism.
  • Supporting autism-friendly events and organizations: Many communities have organizations dedicated to raising autism awareness and providing resources for individuals and families affected by the disorder. Participate in events such as Autism Awareness Month, World Autism Awareness Day, and local fundraisers to show your support.
  • Encouraging inclusivity and acceptance: Promote an inclusive environment at work, school, and in the community. Encourage open conversations about autism and the importance of accepting and embracing neurodiversity.
  • Sharing personal stories: If you or someone you know has autism, sharing personal stories can help others better understand the disorder and create empathy. This can be done through blogs, social media, or public speaking engagements. You can also share your story with our ABA team here at Therapy Brands!
  • Using social media: Share autism-related content, news, and events on your social media platforms to raise awareness and foster understanding.

Autism Acceptance

Acceptance can be defined as an attitude of openness and understanding toward a person or group, despite the presence of differences. In relation to autism, this means creating an inclusive environment free from stigma and judgment. Acceptance is about recognizing that individuals on the spectrum have unique strengths, interests, and needs—and celebrating them for who they are.

Some ways you can promote autism acceptance include:

  • Normalizing neurodiversity: Generate conversations about autism to help reduce negative stereotypes and misconceptions. Talk about the benefits of having a diverse population that includes individuals with autism.
  • Creating safe spaces: Encourage inclusivity by providing physical and emotional safety for people on the spectrum. This can include creating a supportive network, engaging in respectful dialogue, and providing resources and accommodations.
  • Celebrating accomplishments: Acknowledge the successes of individuals with autism, no matter how small or large. Celebrate their school, work, and extracurricular achievements to foster a sense of belonging and self-worth.
  • Using accessible language: Educate yourself on person-first language when talking about autism and other disabilities. Avoid terms like “autistic person” or “suffers from autism,” as these are inaccurate and harmful.
  • Respecting boundaries: Respect the personal preferences and comfort levels of individuals with autism. Be mindful of their communication style, sensory sensitivities, and behavioral triggers when interacting with them.

Autism Advocacy

Advocacy is the act of working to advance the rights and interests of individuals and groups. In relation to autism, this means advocating for better services, resources, and opportunities for those on the spectrum. Advocacy also involves raising awareness about autism-related issues, such as access to healthcare and education, employment discrimination, housing rights, and legal rights.

Some ways you can become an autism advocate include:

  • Joining support groups: Participate in local and online support groups to meet other advocates, exchange ideas and resources, and build. This can help to amplify your voice and create meaningful change.
  • Supporting legislation: Stay informed about current legislation related to autism so that you can lend your support and advocate for better policies.
  • Speaking up: Attend autism-related events and use public speaking to spread awareness and educate others on the issues faced by those on the spectrum.
  • Writing letters: Express your opinion in writing to members of Congress, school boards, or community leaders to help bring attention to important issues.
  • Supporting research: Donate money or your time to support ongoing scientific research into the causes and treatments of autism. This can help to make advances in understanding and treatment.

Introducing the ABA Bingo Card

The ABA Bingo Card is a fun and engaging way to celebrate Autism Awareness Month. The card has 25 squares, each with an activity related to promoting awareness, acceptance, and advocacy. Completing these activities as a provider-client team or family unit can help create meaningful change in the autism community. Plus, it’s a great way to build relationships and encourage conversation.

Activities on the ABA Bingo Card include: spending a day together without any devices, making a meal, reading a book, building something, solving puzzles or brain games, enjoying outdoor activities and indoor workouts, learning new skills and languages (spoken or signed), interacting with furry friends, volunteering in your community and more. Every activity is designed to help foster awareness, acceptance, and advocacy for autism. 

Ideas for Using the ABA Bingo Card

There are many ways that you can use the ABA Bingo Card to celebrate Autism Awareness Month. Here are some ideas:

Use It in ABA Therapy Sessions

ABA therapists can use the ABA Bingo Card to engage their clients in fun and meaningful activities that promote awareness, acceptance, and advocacy. They can select activities that are relevant to their client’s interests and abilities and use the card to track progress.

Use It at Home

Families can use the ABA Bingo Card to spend quality time together and learn new skills while promoting autism awareness. They can choose activities that are appropriate for their child’s age and interests and use the card to track their progress.

Use It in Social Skills Groups

Social skills groups can use the ABA Bingo Card to facilitate social interaction and communication, promoting awareness, acceptance, and advocacy. Group members can work together to complete activities and discuss their experiences.

Use It in Classrooms

Teachers can use the ABA Bingo Card to promote classroom awareness, acceptance, and advocacy. They can select activities that are relevant to their curriculum and use the card to track progress.

Use It in Community Events

Community organizations can use the ABA Bingo Card to promote awareness, acceptance, and advocacy in their events. They can set up activity stations based on the squares on the card and encourage participants to complete them.

Providers — Try WebABA for Free

If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution to help you manage your ABA practice, check out WebABA. Our software is designed to make it easier to coordinate care and streamline the administrative side of running a practice. Best of all, we offer a free trial so that you can see how it works before you commit. Sign up now and experience the power of WebABA today!


Autism Awareness Month is an opportunity to celebrate and support individuals on the autism spectrum. By providing the free downloadable ABA Bingo Card, we hope to inspire individuals, families, therapists, teachers, and community organizations to promote awareness, acceptance, and advocacy for autism and to embrace the unique strengths and challenges of individuals on the spectrum. Let’s come together this Autism Awareness Month to create meaningful change and celebrate the accomplishments of individuals on the autism spectrum. If you have any stories related to how you promote awareness, acceptance, and advocacy for autism, we would love to hear them!



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