HTI-2 Compliance Explained for EHR and Health IT Vendors

HTI-2 focuses on improving interoperability and access to critical health information. EHR and Health IT vendors can enhance care delivery by further understanding this rule and how to comply. We’ve outlined key takeaways and how to prepare.
Information Blocking

CMS published enforcement rules to prevent information blocking, but it’s largely unable to enforce its policies.
Language Services and Accessibility Requirements

HHS agencies released several new regulations and subregulatory guidance. Here are the three policies we think Therapy Brands customers ought to know.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) Updates the Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Demonstration Prospective Payment System (“PPS”). CCBHCs take note!

HHS’ Demonstration Program was extended and expanded under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to include up to an additional ten states starting in 2024, and every two years thereafter.
Building Patient Safety into Healthcare Technology

Given the central role technology plays in supporting care delivery, healthcare technology providers are uniquely positioned to reduce risk to patient safety by adopting best practices in the workflows and features they develop.
New Rule Finalizes Flexibilities for Prescribing Medications for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder If Your Organization is an Accredited Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) and Your State Agrees.

SAMHSA published its final rule that modifies and updates certain provisions of regulations related to OTP accreditation, certification, and standards for the treatment of OUD with MOUD in OTPs.
Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Patient Records, HHS Finally Aligns Part 2 Records with HIPAA and HITECH!

HHS has issued its final rule to modify its regulations on the treatment of Substance Use Disorder records to increase alignment with HIPAA’s Privacy Rule to improve workability and decrease burden on programs, covered entities, and business associates.
CMS Announces New Behavioral Health Integration Model

Learn about the new innovation in behavioral health (“IBH”) payment model, which seeks to bridge the gap between behavioral and physical health.
Medicare Rule Changes for MFT and MHC May Impact Your Claims

On January 1, 2024, Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) and Mental Health Counselors (MHC) became eligible to enroll in Medicare to be compensated for rendered services to Medicare beneficiaries. However, we are beginning to see secondary insurance carriers require a Medicare denial before processing a secondary claim for MFTs and MHCs.
Changes to Prior Authorization Are Coming… Slowly, but Surely

To improve the patient experience and access to care, CMS has finalized several new requirements for prior authorization processes that will reduce burden on patients and providers. These changes include: