ONC Certifications
Developer organization name: NewCropRx
Date the product was certified: December 23, 2022
Product name and version: NewCropRx 2.01
Unique certification number:
Certification criteria to which the product has been certified: 170.315 (b)(3, 10); (d)(1-3, 5-8, 12-13); (g)(3-5)
CQMs to which the product has been certified: None
Any additional software the certified product relied upon to demonstrate its compliance with certification criteria: None
ONC Disclaimer: “This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”
Description of Capability
Costs or Fees
Types of costs or fees that a user may be required to pay to purchase, license, implement, maintain, upgrade, use, or otherwise enable and support the use of the implementation or use of the capability -OR- in connection with the data generated in the course using the capability
Core License Fee
- First Data Bank Drug or LexiData index
- NewCrop First Data Bank Interoperability Module™
- Health plan index
- Pharmacy index
- State prescription formats
- Surescripts Routing
- Prescription Faxing (where permissible per State regulation)
- Drug/drug, drug/allergy, drug/pharmacogenomic interaction checking
- Patient Leaflets, monographs
- Managed care formularies
- Surescripts Benefits, Formularies and Drug History
- Medication pricing at point of care
- Ongoing technical support not to exceed 4 hours per month, excluding new features.
- Monthly fee per active FTE provider
- (Fees subject to confidentiality restrictions and available to prospective customers under Non-Disclosure Agreement).
- Electronic Prescribing Controlled Substances (EPCS) prescribing), including prescriber identify proofing
- Annual fee per active FTE provider
- (Fees subject to confidentiality restrictions and available to prospective customers under Non-Disclosure Agreement).
- Core services: Integration via XML and associated synchronization web services for aller-gies and Current Meds as well as Renewal Processing from Associate’s EHR screens.
- Bolt-on services: Setup and support for Electronic Prescribing Controlled Substances (EPCS). Includes support for the DEA-mandated audit.
- One-time fee per customer, subject to specific requirements
- (Fees subject to confidentiality restrictions and available to prospective customers under Non-Disclosure Agreement).