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Insurance Billing Resources

chiropractic billing

Chiropractic Billing Cheat Sheet

Mistakes in chiropractic billing can lead to claim rejections or unnecessarily long claim reimbursements. Follow these chiropractic billing best practices to ensure you’re paid accurately and timely for services rendered.

chiropractic billing myths

7 Chiropractic Billing Myths

Many chiropractic clinics face claim rejections because they follow misleading chiropractic billing myths. Don’t let your practice fall victim. In this eBook we’ll debunk harmful chiropractic billing myths, discuss tips to minimize rejections, and more.

Closing the Chasm: Is Health IT the Solution for the Payer-Provider Disconnect

As improvements in technology are paving the way for a revolution in healthcare record-keeping, legislature, and billing, it’s clear how interoperable systems are closing the chasm between payers and providers. The result? Improved patient care at a lower cost and an altogether less dysfunctional paradigm.

Insurance Billing Guide for Healthcare Practices and Facilities

Billing is complicated, that is why we made sure this eBook is not. We give you simple definitions, actionable strategies, and expert advice on insurance billing in a format that is easy to follow. Includes common mistakes and how to avoid them as well as an insurance billing glossary.
claim denials

How To Decrease Insurance Denials & Get Paid Faster

Claim denials are more than just an administrative headache. They pose an ongoing problem that inhibits cash flow through your organization. Are you tired of dealing with insurance claim denials? Do you want to get paid faster? Let’s get started.
Denial Management

Denial Management Dos & Don'ts

It’s not hard to let claim denials take a back seat, especially with how frustrating it can be to manage them. Thankfully, it’s also easy to build an effective denial management strategy and stop letting revenue from denied claims slip through the cracks.
claim submission

Apex EDI Insurance Claim Submission Checklist

To err is human. Use this checklist to make sure you’re not skipping any steps or omitting any information when it comes to submitting insurance claims to payers.
medical billing

Insurance Billing Basics Desk Companion

A handy tool for billing and admin offices that lays out the steps for success.

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